Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Drug And Alcohol Can Damage One s Work And Social Life

Even though drug and alcohol can damage one’s work and social life, it has an even greater effect on the family. There are several situations in which Wes’s mother, Mary, does not provide the guidance that her son so desperately needs. After skipping school and partying with his friends, Wes comes back to his house visibly intoxicated. Mary and her boyfriend seem to think that Wes’ state is pretty entertaining, and they make fun of him for it. â€Å"Mary laughed, watching him squirm. ‘Well, at least now you know how bad it feels and you will stay away from drinking† (The Other Wes Moore page 62).Instead of giving some sort of punishment, or even sitting Wes down and having a conversation with him about his substance use, Mary acted as if it was nothing. Mary chose to ignore Wes’s substance abuse because of the fact that she didn’t think it was a big deal. Instead, she allowed him to suffer, hoping that he would learn his lesson. However , she chose not to directly address the problem, thus Wes did not learn the lesson she was hoping he would. Instead of playing it cool, Mary should have disciplined Wes in such a way that he would know that alcohol and drug use were not acceptable in her house. Because she fails to do this, Wes now believes that alcohol and drugs are okay, not only for him, but for others as well. This is perhaps what leads him into his belief that selling drugs is a good idea. Likewise, when Wes’ interest in drugs intensifies to that of drug dealer, Mary justShow MoreRelatedDoes Alcohol Cause More Damage Than Good?1564 Words   |  7 PagesENG 201-S02 March 17, 2017 Does Alcohol Cause more Damage than Good? â€Å"About 2 billion people worldwide consume alcoholic drinks, which can have immediate and long term consequences on health and social life. Over 76 million people are currently affected by alcohol use disorders, such as alcohol dependence and abuse† (Morean, M). 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